The principle of the design is an efficient air exchanger “core” which absorbs heat and condenses moisture as warm moist air flows across it. The heat is transfered to the incoming cool outdoor air with as high as
90% temperature recovery in the AE1500 (dual core) units. AEH1000 and AEH1500 units are fitted with a 5 speed fan, thermostat and humidistat, Larger commercial units are custom configured allowing setpoint low speed
operation or setpoint non ventilate operation (to conserve heat) with adjustable self-contained or remote dehumidistats allowing the user to set desired levels. On setpoint low speed function, unit will automatically kick
into high speed if it senses dehumidification is not adequate. It will then return down to low speed once it reaches setpoint. It also has an automatic defrost mode to prevent freeze-up of the core during extremely cold outdoor
weather. This function cycles at user selectable intervals to prevent freezing of heat exchanger core Another feature is the easy to remove core. Simply pull the core straight out and rinse off over a sink or with a garden
hose. A foam filter can also be easily cleaned and replaced. Special HEPA (high efficiency particulate filters) are available as an option for those with alergies or for removal of outdoor pollutants.
Installation is accomplished by hanging unit from ceiling joists or similar hang points. Recommended connections are 6” Schedule 20 PVC pipe on smaller units. Two exterior outlets required (#AEWH6P - large dryer vent style
hoods). An inlet for fresh air and an outlet for stale air. Connection for condensate drain is also required (1/2 plastic tubing). Can be run into a sink, floor drain, outdoors, or removed with an automatic condensate removal
While this may seem an expensive addition to any facility, the savings in energy by capturing heat and the potential for serious damage to your building’s structure without having an Air Exchanger will more than make up
the cost for the purchase of this unit. The health benefits of working in a comfortable mold-free environment are likewise valuable. As humidity levels exceed 65-80% (common in “Fish Rooms”) comfort levels decrease
and potential for mold spores multiplying are likely. Installing a new “Fish Room”? Then do yourself a favor and plan for the installation an Air Exchanger from the start, We guarantee you will thank yourself down
the road.
These are high quality, properly designed units, tested to be effective in continuous day to day operation in commercial and residentail applications worldwide; Install it - Set it - and Forget
it. We believe this product fits our theme. “Purchasing quality is more economical, due to the less aggravation, less maintenance, & less energy used.”