XTREME AQUATIC FOODS were developed by a Florida based Ornamental Fish Farm after decades of experience breeding and importing tropical fish. Xtreme foods are formulated using only premium ingredients with No
Hormones, and only the highest quality ingredients, Krill, Shrimp, Herring and Squid meals, Xtreme pellets and flake provide an excellent professionally formulated fish food with aquatic proteins and algae.
Fish prefer and need aquatic protein and algae. The best protein, from Krill and the best blue-green aquatic algae, from Spirulina are used in Xtreme feeds. Natural colors are
enhanced using Krill, and small amounts of other natural pigments. Utilizing this combination of natural ingredients enhances the fish’s native colors (reds, oranges, blues, greens and yellows) without
altering the fish’s natural colors.
All Breeders can now offer these superior conditioning foods in bulk sizes to suit their needs for feeding expanding livestock.